CBSE class 12 result 2020 available on its official website.
CBSE announces the class 12 results on Board’s official portal today on july 13,2020. the central Board of Secondary Education has made the CBSE class 12 result 2020 available on its official website –
The board has followed its revised assessment scheme to prepare CBSE results this year. HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ has wished students good luck through Twitter. In which HRD minister congratulate Students, Parents and Teachers.
CBSE’S assessment scheme take an account of marks scored by a student in other subjects. on which basis CBSE award average marks in the cancelled papers.
CBSE class 12th results will be available on the board’s official website. Students would need their school code and examination roll number to check their result.
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