
“Yoga Says ‘We’re Biggest Source Of Energy In Universe'”: PM’s 

International Yoga Day: PM Modi said Yoga shows us the road from stress to strength and from negativity to creativity.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is addressing the lead event of the seventh International Day of Yoga. The theme this year is ”Yoga for wellness”. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the lead event of Yoga Day this year is a televised programme.

In a statement, the Ministry of AYUSH, nodal Ministry for International Day of Yoga (IDY), highlighted the role of Yoga in one’s overall wellbeing, through various activities organised in the runup to the annual event.

The main theme of IDY 2021 is “Yoga for Wellness”, which is aligned to the current pre-occupations.

Top quotes from PM Modi’s address:

  • Today when the entire world is fighting against COVID-19 pandemic, Yoga has become a ray of hope. For two years now, no public event has been organised in India or the world but enthusiasm for Yoga has not gone down.
  • Yoga helps in self discipline, it inculcated faith in people that they could fight with this virus. Frontline warriors told me that they made yoga a tool in fighting the virus.
  • During Covid, several studies are going on, researching on the benefits of yoga on our body and immunity. We see that yoga and breathing exercises are being done at the beginning of online classes. This is helping children in fighting the virus.
  • We do not realise Yoga’s energy because of the many divisions within us. Divisions refract in the overall personality as well. A proven way to experience realisation of oneness is yoga.
  • Yoga shows us the road from stress to strength and from negativity to creativity. Yoga tells us that so many problems might be out there, but we’ve infinite solutions within ourselves. We’re the biggest source of energy in the universe.

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